Extra-curricular Experiential Learning (ExCEL)


The examination is held by UTM Mandarin Club. This examination is provided for students who have attended the Mandarin classes provided by the club to make sure the learning of Mandarin is fun and effective. 

Date: 14/01/2022 - 15/01/2022

Time: 9.00am - 11.00am

Place: Online

Organizer: Kelab Mandarin UTM

Role: Commitee

Teamworking & Leadership Skills

1) Mini Report

This program is held by UTM Mandarin Club. Before the examination was held, we had to prepare poster to give information about how and when the exams would be held. I am one of the members in publicity group and I worked with other team members to prepare all the posters and captions and post them on Instagram to notify people about the examinations and rules. At last, the examination is held successfully and smoothly. It was a simple activity to test the students to see their progress of learning Mandarin. 

2) Self Reflection

Throughout this program, I participated as a member in publicity group which the job scope includes create poster and organize UTM Mandarin social media page. I learnt so many designing skills especially in how to use Adobe Illustrator to draw poster. I also learnt how to write captions and organize the social media such as Instagram for UTM Mandarin Club account.

My communication skill has improved since I have to work with my teammates to create different kind of poster. Besides, seeing different races learning Mandarin and taking the test was really heart-warming. I realized that everyone has no limits if we are willing to put efforts on learning new things. I hope that UTM Mandarin Club can continue teaching different races of students Mandarin and different cultures.  
