Extra-curricular Experiential Learing (ExCEL)


This program is held by Losting Music Club to share the knowledge of music and how to compose a song. The program is held every Thursday during November 2021.

Date: 04/11/2021 - 25/11/2021

Time: 9.00pm - 10.15pm

Place: Online

Organizer: Losting Music Club

Role: Committee - Committee member

Leadership and Teamworking Skills & Communication Skills

1) Mini Report

This program is held by Losting Music Club every Thursday night. During day 1, we share about different kinds of music genres and song stuctures. In day 2, we talked about some music theory and how to compose music while in day 3, there were some sharings about music productions includes music arrangement, mixing and mastering. At last, we invited a special guest, a music composer who is building up his music career in Malaysia to share his experience about the challenges and solutions he faced in his career.


2) Self-reflection

As a committee, I was so happy that I got the opportunity to share some music knowledge to people who loves music. I presented my part on day 2 which is talking about how to compose music using different music theory. This activity is not just helping the others to learn more about music but it also inspired me to learn the things that I do not know. Besides, it also built up my confidence since I had to present in front of many people. At last, I really appreciate that there are many people who attended and supported the composing class and other committee members who helped me in the program.
