Programme Information

  • Date: 1 November 2021
  • Venue/Platform: Webex
  • Organizer: TIS Course (SECP1513), Faculty of Computing

Mini Report

The industrial talk titled "Technology Information System & 4.0th Industrial Revolution" offered valuable insights into the transformative impact of advanced technologies on various industries. It provided a platform to gain knowledge about real-world applications and stay updated with industry trends. The industrial talk centered around the technology information system and the transformative nature of the 4.0th Industrial Revolution. It covered topics such as advanced automation, artificial intelligence, Internet of things, and big data analytics. The talk explored how these technologies are reshaping industries, optimizing processes, and revolutionizing business models. Speakers shared insights into the benefits, challenges, and future prospects of technology-driven systems in the industrial sector. Through engaging presentations and interactive discussions, the activity aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and implications brought by the 4.0th Industrial Revolution. In addition, the activity focused on developing various Graduate Attributes. Communication Skills were enhanced through discussions with industry experts and peers. Thinking Skills were honed by delving into complex concepts surrounding the 4.0th Industrial Revolution and critically analyzing the information presented while the scholarship was fostered through exposure to cutting-edge technologies and their implications.



Participating in the industrial talk on "Technology Information System & 4.0th Industrial Revolution" has a profound impact on the development of my Graduate Attributes. Firstly, the activity significantly strengthened my Communication Skills. Throughout the talk, I actively participated in discussions with industry experts and fellow students, honing my ability to articulate ideas, pose insightful questions, and effectively convey information.

Secondly, the activity bolstered my Thinking Skills. The talk delved into intricate concepts surrounding the 4.0th Industrial Revolution, prompting me to analyze and evaluate the presented information critically. This challenged me to think deeply, consider diverse perspectives, and cultivate a more profound understanding of the subject matter.

Moreover, the activity contributed to my Scholarship as a software engineering student. I gained valuable insights into the latest technological advancements and their impact on industries. This knowledge will aid me in staying updated with the field's advancements and conducting further research in my studies.

However, the activity also presented some challenges. One challenge was comprehending complex technical concepts discussed during the talk. To overcome this, I actively took notes, asked for clarifications when needed, and conducted additional research afterward to deepen my understanding.

In conclusion, this industrial talk not only developed my Graduate Attributes but also provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the significance of the IR 4.0 globally. This experience deepened my understanding of IR 4.0 and its impact on various sectors.


Graduate Attributes

  1. Communication Skills
  2. Thinking Skills
  3. Scholarship

Programme Photo/Programme Poster





Position/Role in the Programme

