AWS Academy Cloud Foundations


AWS Academy Cloud Foundations is intended for students who seek an overall understanding of cloud computing concepts, independent of specific technical roles. It provides a detailed overview of cloud concepts, AWS core services, security, architecture, pricing, and support.

The journey of getting the AWS badge RSS

AWS Academy Cloud Foundation course is one of the subject outline of technology and information system course (SECP1513). Before I started exploring this course, I had no idea about AWS at all. But after I started studying and doing related exercises, I got an overall understanding of cloud computing concepts, independent of specific technical roles and at the end I got an AWS badge.


In this AWS course, there are 10 modules which are Cloud Concepts Overview, Cloud Economics and Billing, AWS Global Infrastructure Overview, AWS Cloud Security, Networking and Content Delivery, Compute, Storage, Databases, Cloud Architecture and Auto Scaling and Monitoring. Each module is provided with explanation videos and in order to improve students' understanding, relevant lab exercises are also provided.


"Practice Makes Perfect". In addition to watching related explanation videos and doing lab exercises, I will also do the knowledge check which provided of each module. Since the knowledge check can be repeatedly attempted, so I always repeat doing the knowledge check to deepen my knowledge of each module.


To complete these 10 modules, I started studying from 17 January 2022 during my free time and completed all the 10 modules at 27 January 2022. After all the 10 modules completed, I got an AWS badge. This badge is formed with a word of 'Graduate' and a logo of AWS academy.


Reflection RSS

In summary, I had gained knowledge of cloud concepts, AWS core services, security, architecture, pricing, and support, and the most important that I got a AWS badge from this course. My motivation to complete this project is I wanted to learn and explore the greats of cloud computing and also get an AWS badge.


In my opinion, I think getting the AWS badge is easy since all the 10 modules are provided with explanation videos which are clearly explain by step by step. Furthermore, the lab exercises and module knowledge check are not difficult since the lab exercises are provided with steps while answers of module knowledge check are able to find in explanation videos. I think the module 1 is easiest and module 8 is most difficult. An AWS badge is worth for me because it proves that I have completed all the 10 modules of this course and gained the knowledge of cloud computing. Getting the badge undoubtedly improve my knowledge of cloud computing and also my skills on cloud computing.


In my opinion, every company should shift to Cloud Computing. This is because it can save cost to running and maintaining data centers. Company can stop guessing capacity and increase speed and agility. Moreover, it can helps company benefit from massive economies of scale. In summary, cloud computing is useful to save cost and increase potential of company.


Every computer science or UTM student should learn Cloud Computing by getting an AWS badge. Nowadays, Cloud Computing as a trend in industry and it will be greater needs in next few years. So, student should participate themselves to learn and gain related knowledge of cloud computing. It will be benefit for their future career life. For my friends who have not get the AWS badge yet, I advise you to take your time to complete the modules and get the badge. It is benefit for your future.


After completed the badge, my direction is to learn deeper of cloud computing knowledge and improve and master the related skills. Moreover, I will consider to prepare for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner but before that, I will explore and learn more knowledge of AWS.


In my opinion, getting the AWS badge that is included in SECP1513 subject is a good learning experience for us especially for computer science students. It helps us to gain knowledge of cloud computing and improve our skills and benefit a lot for our future career life.




Program Photo/Programme Poster


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Mini Report

TAKLIMAT PENGENALAN ASAS KESEDARAN MENGUNDI KEPADA PELAJAR BAHARU INSTITUSI PENDIDIKAN TINGGI (IPT) is an activity aimed at promoting voting awareness among students. The justification for organizing this activity lies in the importance of fostering informed and engaged citizens within the higher education institution. The activity focuses on developing various Graduate Attributes, including Communication Skills, Thinking Skills, and Scholarship. It involves educating new students about the significance of voting, their rights and responsibilities, and the impact of elections on society. The content of the activity revolves around discussions on democratic processes, informed decision-making, and the value of active civic participation. By organizing the TAKLIMAT PENGENALAN ASAS KESEDARAN MENGUNDI KEPADA PELAJAR BAHARU INSTITUSI PENDIDIKAN TINGGI (IPT) activity, the aim is to empower students to exercise their voting rights, promote critical thinking, and encourage them to become responsible global citizens actively engaged in the democratic process.

Position/Role in the Programme


Graduate Attributes

  1. Communication Skills
  2. Thinking Skills
  3. Scholarship

Programme Information

  • Date: 16 October 2022
  • Venue: Dewan Sultan Iskandar
  • Organizer: UTM Student Affairs

AWS Badge

AWS Certificate