Sem 2



Reflection(Project 2)

   This project is a bit different project for me because of the COVID-19 case. The project 2 that has been group work for past few years suddenly became our final test substitution. This is a lot harder and challenging compared to the last one but I managed to pulled it off. I have learned many important things while doing the project 2. But the most important thing is, I managed to understand the topic in the subject Probability & Statistical Data Analysis (PSDA) much more clear because when I apply the concept that I have learned, its make me understand the topic more. The topic that I choose for this project is the “Alcohol consumption by the Gabriel Pereira secondary school students”. This is a secondary data and I acquired this from the the free online source called

   There were many concepts that I have implement throughout the project 2. Some of the concepts that I have implement are 2 sample hypothesis testing, correlation, regression and chi-square testing. First challenge that I faced is the using the R studio for the graph and calculation. For the graph part, I managed to plot it without any problem because there is last project experiment help me a lot and the calculation method I searched in YouTube and google. .I managed to finished the until the 2 sample hypothesis testing but the problem started when I get into the correlation. My scatter plot of the correlation is so worse that the r is equal to 0. 0002.Then I asked the help and guidance from my PSDA lecturer, DR. Chan Weng Howe and he also gladly explained to me with proper explanation without any problem. First I thought want to change the topic and dateset but he said to that it does not matter if the data number is weird but as long as we done the calculation correctly. He also explained to me and suggest me to plot a box plot to find any outliers in the datasets and he was 100 % correct. After the box plot and data elimination process my graph became nicer and the r value also became normal. Due to the covid-19 paramedic, I was unable to present my project in front of the class or the lecturer but instead I need to prepare a video where I explained my project to the lecturer.

   As for the conclusion, based on the hypothesis, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. There is insufficient evidence to support the claim that average weekday alcohol consumption and weekend alcohol consumption is equal. Next, from the correlation analysis, it is found that there is a slightly weak positive relationship between the weekday alcohol consumption and the number of class absence by students with a correlation coefficient of 0.1462914. The estimated regression model is then produced in which we obtain ŷ = 3.4664 + 0.8473x and this regression model is helpful in predicting the average the weekday alcohol consumption on number of class absence by the students. The Chi-Square test of independent show that the family size is independent to the weekend alcohol consumption where the, x2 > critical value (5.3403 > 9.49).

Reflection(Project 1)

Group Formation

After the project was announced by my lecturer my whole class began to look for their teammates. I and Wei Hong are actually has worked in many previous project together so and our chemistry work like a charm. So, we decided to team up for this project also and we put our name in the WhatsApp group and after a few hours Shashi also join our group by putting his name in our group’s section and that how we form our group.


Organization of Work

The first challenge that we faced as a group is the organizing our work as a team. The first and hardest problem we faced is choosing a good title. Because a good and interesting title will leave a good impact in the audience and marker’s eyes. So, we struggle for some days and my teammate Wei Hong came up with the title that can be related to our daily lives which is “The Daily Routine of UTM Students”.

                Me and Shashi has work as team for some mini project in previous semester but this the first time for Shashi and Wei Hong to be one group and I let them to take their time to understand each and another by assigning suggestion them to do some hard lifting work together like finding the correct questions. Meanwhile, I do the google form. U can ask why I make them work in making question assignment that because making question is not as simple as U think. Without the correct question, we cannot the correct data and without the correct data our project would be failed. I also take advantage of Shashi talent in English because he is a great speaker and writer and Wei Hong also not lower compared to Shashi. When come to team, we need make decision according to the team’s goal and not decision for ourselves. That why I do the google form and publishing by myself because I am good in IT compared to those two. We also asked our lecturer DR. Chang to help us analyse our question if it is okay. Then, after he gave a green light, we publish our survey form in WhatsApp group and telegram.

                After a few days, we as get reached our goal and get the more than 40 peoples data. In that few days, we learn how to do the R programing and run some test with our own example. Our lecturer also gives us some slide and extra class to teach us about R coding method and compares to C++ coding that we are struggling right this is think look easy. But reality is not so kind because we get so many errors in our trial and after a few days and some advice from the lecturer and online teaching website like YouTube we finally managed to finished all graph in Rafter that we decided to dived the graph among ourselves and prepare the report and take some few days off for another project.

                But as I mentioned earlier reality is not kind, and because of the crisis that overwhelming our nation is becoming so serious the government decided to stop all the face to face learning granted us to go home. And because of that, we and my teammates cannot even discuss about our project anymore with face to face and the video also is not completed. But thanks to the social media platform like WhatsApp’s and Zoom we managed to still discuss the process of our project and managed to do the project without any problem. The lecturer also let us ask many question through the Zoom meeting and WhatsApp messaging.



                At the end of the project, what matters the most is what we have learned from our group work experiences. During the tenure of working together, situations cropped up and tested us on the scales of making the decisions and handling the pressures and exceptions. For example, the covid-19 situation where we cannot meet up anymore and have to the project from our home gave me pressure like will we finished the work on time but I never lost trust in teammates and they finished all the accordingly without any complaint. This help learns a lot about team working and trust on teammates because anything that you so as team will be always being triple times better that the one you do alone and covid-19 situation really put our limit and trust in each another test. I also managed to learn some basic of R in just so little time because my teammates help to understand and take their time to explain all the part that I don’t understand. So in conclusion this project will be always have a special place in heart due to the challenges that we faced during conducting this project.

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My PSDA Project