

     Im grateful to be one of the student who is attending for PSDA course, especially under the guidance of Dr. Sharin. PSDA is an interesting subject as it has sharpen the basic knowlegde of probability and statistic we had earlier in our highschool or pre-university. Im pretty sure that by enhancing the practical and theorical studies of this course, it will give a positive impact toward the career path in data analysis.

   Other than that, I get to master another programming language which is R language. Rstudio is one of the programming languages that is designed for statiscal computing and graphics. It helps us a lot in our assignments as it is easy to be use. I would like to thank my fellow teammates, they had play an important roles in making our assignments a success. Throughout the assignments given, we have inuse a lot of methods that we learned from this course to collect the data we need. We have investigate alot of interesting database such as the healthy lifestyle of UTM students. We get to make assumptions about the topics we chose by having comparison within different values in different graphs. The results are unexpecting yet interesting.

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We also studied the database for World Happiness report. In 2015, the top five happiest countries were Switzerland, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, and Canada. For this project, our group decided to find out the patterns and relationship on the countries happiness score with other factors such as economy, freedom and life expectancy.

     Lastly, I appreciated everything our lecturer had done for us. She gave alot of advices and guidelines for us so that we can complete our assignments in short time. 
