Project Phase 1 - Database Planning & System Definition

RCE Iskandar Online Judging System


**Your team need to identify ONE system as a case study to be proposed for your team’s project.
The proposed case study should be either newly designed system or enhancement of the current available system.

The proposed case study can also be derived from two situations:
1. Manual or not fully computerized / automated system yet,
2. Existing computerized / automated systems that having problems. Your team need to identify and analyze the problems, propose the solutions to develop new or improve current system based on the system analysis and design methodology. Further details on the stages of the project and the corresponding deliverables, please refer the table below for detail instructions.

**The theme of the project is according to the corresponding section of SECD2613. Except for students only register SCSD2523 this semester, theme of the project please refer to the corresponding instructor in the class.

Screenshot 2021-03-05 225819.png

Project Proposal