Mini Project on DSA's Concepts - Sports Theme


1. Develop a medium to complex size program by applying several data structure concepts in C++ programming language.

2. Solve a problem in a group in which the group is required to prepare a report to document the project output and present the output in the class.


a. Solve this project in a group of 2-3 members.

b. Each group is required to develop a software application for a case study that determined by the lecturer. Reapply the case study and implement the suitable data structure(s).

c. The software applications must be developed based on the data structure concepts that suitable to apply in it. The specified concepts (stack, queue, or/ and tree) is the minimum concept(s) for each group, you can add more data structure concepts to your application.

d. Group’s submission details:

  • Problem Analysis
  • Class Design in class diagram and algorithm design in pseudocode or flowchart
  • Presentation & Demo (maximum 30 minutes’ presentation video)
  • Use PowerPoint to describe the data structure and the system being developed.
  • System – Describe the flow of the system. The system needs to be user-friendliness and creative in the solution approach.
  • Presentation skill and collaboration in group work.
  • Every student should be involved in the presentation.
  • Each member needs to do an individual demo/ presentation showing the contribution to the execution of the group project
  • Show yourself in your presentation video.
  • A complete source code.
  • Submit a soft copy.
  • The data structure concept must be applied correctly using C++

e. Documentation of the project output must follow the report template given to the students.

Mini Project Presentation

Project Report

Project Presentation Slides