ExCEL Kem Kembara Muslim

Extracurricular Experiential Learning Session 2020/2021

Kem Kembara Muslim RSS

Kem Kembara Muslim is a two days camp activities that was conducted to guide these new intake students spiritually especially, in order to live the university lifestyle. There were also many sessions and activities organised by the organizer that manifest part pf skills that are to be enhanced as a university student.

This program was held by Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam (PMI) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in conjunction with the new intake of students for session 2019/2020. The objectives of this program is to develop communication skills as well as to expose these new students of university lifestyle. Plus, the guidelines to be a good Muslim were also being shared during the sessions.


Kem Kembara Muslim by Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam (PMI) UTM

Date:  27 September - 28 September 2019 (Friday - Saturday)

Venue: Masjid Sultan Ismail, UTM (Day 1), Pantai Tanjung Balau, Johor (Day 2)

Role:   Participant

Tentative :

Day 1

  • 1700 hrs - 1800 hrs : Registration & briefing to participants
  • 1800 hrs - 1900 hrs : Short tazkirah from PU Rahmat
  • 1900 hrs - 2000 hrs : Maghrib & Isyak prayer
  • 2000 hrs - 2230 hrs : Ice breaking session at Dewan Al-Khawarizmi
  • 2230 hrs - 2400 hrs : Supper
  • 2400 hrs - 2430 hrs : Al-Mulk recital & sleep

Day 2

  • 0500 hrs - 0630 hrs : bath, Qiamulail, Subuh prayer and tazkirah Subuh
  • 0630 hrs - 0700 hrs : breakfast
  • 0700 hrs - 0900 hrs : Depart to Tanjung Balau
  • 0900 hrs - 0930 hrs : Dhuha prayer
  • 0930 hrs - 1300 hrs : Group activity
  • 1300 hrs - 1400 hrs : Zuhur prayer & lunch
  • 1400 hrs - 1700 hrs : Explorace by the beach, Asar prayer & wrap up
  • 1700 hrs - 1900 hrs : Depart to UTM


Mini Report

Kem Kembara Muslim is a 2 day event which held at Masjid Sultan Ismail, UTM and Pantai Tanjung Balau, Johor. This event was coordinated by senior students of Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam (PMI) members. My position in this event was a participant as this my first time joining activities held by UTM. I joined this event because I was interested in the event activities which expose the participants on university living skill in term of spiritual quotient. From this activty, the graduate attribute that can be focused is adaptability. Since that the event specifies on new intake students, thus it complied the adaptability to adapt on new culture of new communities and working environment. Plus, the activity also allows participants to recognize potential for improvement in most activities. It somehow require a team effort and leading the team members to accomplish the activity goals. This event begins with registration and briefing, short tazkirah by PU Rahmat, ice breaking session and Al-Mulk recital at Masjid Sultan Ismail, UTM. On day 2 we travelled to Pantai Tanjung Balau, Johor for group activity games and explorace by the beach and BBQ as closing ceremony.


Self Reflection

The main highlight of the activities in Kem Kembara Muslim that has helped in developing my adaptability is the content of the program itself. As I mentioned previously, this program focused on newly intake students. Thus, the input of the activities is related to the way on how we are going to survive in the university world. In example, the short tazkirah by PU Rahmat touched on how we could improve ourselves as a student in academic while not disregarding the religious claims such as performing prayers, reciting Quran etc. And sure, for a newbies like us a first-year student in university, we might be culture shocked of the time management, money expenditures and friend relationship. Next, the adaptability element also can be implemented when we are performing tasks in group where each of the member in the group must listen with an open heart to others’ opinions. We cannot just simply slam away others’ views just because we think ours is the best. So, this can be applied also in group assignments where everyone should play roles in making sure the task succeed. Finally, the adaptability attribute is well developed in me via these programs.



