Semester 2 (Year 1)


Project 1 Reflection

After working together with my team of four on completing this project, conducting a survey about UTM students evening especially sports. I have gained multiple insights that are crucial to me as an aspiring data scientist. One of them being that, the use of the programming language r to process the data gained from the survey. Therefore, saving more time compared to traditional bear calculating traditional way taught in school. Not only that, enabling easier analysis and outputting the information that was needed by the team to produce the report, using Rstudio we managed to plot plenty of graphs and distribution which makes the information easier to comprehend in a graphical way.

Secondly, the use of Google Forms as way of collecting raw data from the mass. It had proven significant in collecting data from the UTM students. Rather than use the traditional way of printing countless sheets of paper to ask the UTM students to answer the survey. Google form has made it so that the students can answer surveys just at their fingertips. Not only that, Google forms automatically saves the answers and grouping it neatly, so that our team could transfer this into excel sheets and then in turn import to Rstudio plotting graphs. In addition to this, the information is not easily lost as we with traditional methods and can be accessed by the team members at any time.

In our groups video, I was tasked to the discussion. But in this case, we are currently quarantined at home, so I had to make a video. Limited to only my smartphone I was able to make do with what I had.

In conclusion, after doing this project with the team I was able to gain plenty of insights such as using R to plot graphs and distribution. In addition, using Google Forms to collect data from the UTM Students. Not only that I gained insights I was able to experience many shortcomings that we faced in doing this project, that we were able to eventually overcome. Subsequently, these shortcomings have served as a warning to look out for for the many upcoming projects. I hope to fully incorporate the things that I have learned in this project in the near future.

Project 2 Reflection

After working on the individual project: Inferential Statistics, choosing a dataset from the World Happiness Report collected by the World Health Organization (WHO). I have obtained numerous experiences and understanding on analysing sample data by using inferential statistics. This study has taught me the application of the various analysis of the multiple methods taught me in the subject probability & data analysis SECI12143 – 02. This method of assessment in my opinion is much better than the standard way assessment i.e. final exams. As it is more practical and teaches students on how certain equations and statistical tests are applied on real data.

Not only that, I have also learned that the data samples are not necessarily neatly recorded and the situations are not as perfect as the ones establish in final exams. The introduction of incomplete data and missing values to me have been proven a valuable experience. In terms of having to fact check the data samples beforehand and then it has taught me how to deal with these incomplete data. Do I delete this certain row? Do I modify this data? What are the impacts of doing so? These are some of the evaluations that I had to take in consideration when patching up the data.

             In conclusion, after doing this project individually, I had gained multiple insights such as application of various statistics test and the method with dealing with incomplete datasets. Not only that I gained insights I was able to experience many shortcomings that we faced in doing this project, that we were able to eventually overcome. Subsequently, these shortcomings have served as a warning to look out for the many upcoming projects. I hope to fully incorporate the things that I have learned in this project in the near future.