Report Activity No.2


Activities Report

1.  Activities information consist of:

Date: 01/03/2020

Vanue: Kolej Tun Fatimah

Organizer: PERSAKA

2. Graduate Attributes

  • Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  • Communication Skills

3. Position/ Role in the activities

I'm as participant in netball. The position I got is Goal Keeper (GK). my job as a GK is to prevent the ball from the opponent from scoring.

4. Mini Report

SUSKOM is a sport day for School of Computing. There a lot of sport matches (e.g. netball, badminton, basketball, futsal, e-game, etc.)  among student of school of computing. This event last in one week. Every day within in one week have matches.

This program focused on gratitude attribute for teamworking skills. Every team who was registered to participate SUSKOM, they must have a teammate. In a team, each member must cooperate with their teammate and it call teamwork. When all member has a good teamwork, they can easy score their game because of has great teamwork. When the team have good teamworking, automatically have good communication with their teammate. Hence, all student who joint the event can learnt how to skill up their teamworking skills and communication skills.

The content of this event is participating the game I selected.  Join the match with 5 team include my team. At the last day, I join the closing ceremony and see the winner from all the match happen through the sport day occur.  Certificate presentation activities for the winners were also held. Lastly my team got the first place for netball match.

5. Self-reflection

This program allow student to know each other in same school. When I’m as participant in netball match, I leant how to communicate with my teammate. Communication is important to build a great team because good communication can lead a good understanding and good relationship. Besides, as one team in netball, teamworking is also I got from this match. Teamworking is about how teammate cooperate with other members for the victory.

I can see my strength from this program where I passionate when doing something. For example, when I practiced the netball (passing ball technique), I will try my best until I got the real techniques, so that I can apply it when I play.

Through the training session, before the game start, there a lot of challenges that make me more experienced, so that in the future I can handle it. The challenges occur on me where I have pack class on the training session. I have to rush quickly after I have finished my class. Other than that, when I go to training place, I need to walk about 10 min to reach the destination. It quit tiring.


