Report Activity No.1


Activities Report

1.  Activities information 

Date: 19/02/2020

Vanue: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Organizer: SEJATI

2. Graduate Attributes

  • Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  • Thinking Skills

3. Position/ Role in the activities

I'm as participant in this program

4. Mini Report

Gerbang Idealis Mahasiswa Johor is NGO program where gather Johor students from all over Malaysia in one place where in UKM. The purpose of gathering Johor students is to provide inspiration and enthusiasm to all students to continue to move forward in order to develop higher education in Johor.

Leadership is the focused of graduate attribute. The program give talk about how to be a good leadership. In their talk, they tell a story how the journey of their life and become a leader for their company based on their own experience. They are also making some activity to build the confidence level and leadership skill to everyone in the hall.


This program, there have two speakers. The first speaker gives a talk about to how to skill up leadership and build the confidence to be brave infront others. He gives a lot of tip and overcome the weakness. Second speaker, he shares his own experience from being a CEO of Company. After that, there also have activity that engage with student.

5. Self-reflection

Another day after finish the program, I apply what I have learnt from the program into my group project. It works and I can manage well my group. Hence, my confidence level also increases a little bit to talk about my opinion freely without felt uncomfortable felling. But now after so long online learning happen, my leadership deceases.

When mc call for student volunteer to coming in front for do some activity, I was so brave to rise up the hand, it means, I come to in front to play the activity with other student. After finish the game, I need to give some speech to other student, and I manage to talk in front bunch of students without shaking voice. I can speech very well on that time.

The challenge is when I was playing the game, there some student from different university in my team which I need to communicate with them for the first time. At the first, I was so scared to greet them. I force myself to speak with them because If I’m not to speak with them how I can play together as one team.
