Semester 1


As far as my subject 'PHILOSOPHY AND CURRENT ISSUES' is concerned, when I was asked to write about my view of the subject, I immediately searched for the origin of the word 'philosophy' and discovered that the source of the word 'philosophy' comes from two Greek terms, 'philos' which means 'love' and 'sophos' which means 'philosophy' (wisdom). From what I have understood, this topic will direct us more in life through philosophy. The discipline of philosophy leads, in an invaluable manner, to the realisation of four objectives that should be central to every higher learning institution: the instilling of critical thinking activities in students; the enhancement of their reading, writing and public speaking skills; the transition of cultural heritage to them. Philosophy doesn't just tell us what to believe in. It also allows us to change our reasoning by enhancing our capacity to be rational. It's not just that we have laws that tell us what forms of argument are acceptable, as we learn in logic lessons. It teaches us through practice as well. As a Muslim, my ideal belief, morale most of them are driven by Islamic viewpoints. . As for my educational background, I hold philosophical views from the three viewpoints and those are, realism, idealism, and pragmatism. I believe that by having focus and energy on building effective education systems and being educated, we strengthen our societies to create a pathway for social change. From my view point I feel like this subject will teach us different ideas based on philosophy of life and it will enlighten me with knowledge on current issues around the world as well.


Group Members

  • Rehnuma Tasin
  • Tanshiba Naorin Prapti
  • Fariduzzaman Porosh
  • Ibtesham Ahmed Promit
  • Lazmi
  • Zhu Yi Chen

Rise of suicide rate among younger population