PSDA Project 1

Guided by : Dr Chan Weng Howe

Group members:   CHUA CHEN WEI

                                    HAM JING YI

                                    KHOR YONG XIN

                                    TEE HUI YOU


                      Title of Project 1 : A Study On Shopping Preference Of                                                                       UTM Students (Online Or Offline)


             The title of our Project 1 is ” A Study On Shopping Preference Of UTM Students (Online Or Offline)”. We choose this because we found that many UTM students begin to shop online and this trend of online shopping is quite popular among students of UTM nowadays. It is also easier for us to carry out our survey in a small area (UTM) comparing to the society outside. We discover a problem, that is students in UTM prefer to shop online instead of offline. So, we decided to carry out survey in this field to proof our hypothesis. My group members and I believe that today's world is the trend of online shopping and it will continue growing and eventually replace offline shopping in the future. Besides that, there are many type of questions that can be asked in this online shopping and offline shopping from many aspects. For example, the methods of paying, the level of satisfaction, the categories of buying, the money spent and more. In this Project 1, we have to summarize the primary data that we get and convert data into graphics representations using RStudio. Starting analyzing the data and provide a conclusion.

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Project 1 Reflection


            In this project, we are using R studio to analyse the data. This is my first time to use R and it is interesting. As we know, R is a programming language and software environment which can bring a lot of benefits to the computer scientists. In this project, we are required to use R for the data analysis. When carry out this project, we have to do things step by step like collect data, store data, move data, transform and aggregate them else make some discussion and conclude what we get from this project. I can say that the opportunity is golden, every wise man will grab the chance and learn to master in R studio through this project. It is amazing to see how the primary data collected from the survey we have done, transformed into graphical representations through some clicks in R.

            To conduct the survey, the data analysis process must be undergone. Firstly, we understand the trend of online shopping and decide what questions to be asked. Me and my group members try hard to think of various types of question using the different level of measurements. After the questions are prepared well in Google Form, we spread them through sharing in Whatsapps. The duration taken for us to collect the primary data is 1 week. After that, we proceed to the steps of data summarization and preliminary analysis. We try to think what is the suitable graph to be used to represent the data so that all of the information can be well understood  from the raw data.

            After going through the analysis step, we make some discussion and conclusion using the information we get. However, it is unfortunately for us to carry out this analysis during the Movement Control Order (MCO). Me and my members use the online face-to-face method solve all kinds of problems that we faced.  At the same time, we always gather online to discuss about the description and conclusion by observing the relationship between some graphs. As we know, some of the graphs can be linked so that we can have a different view and get more information. We distribute the tasks evenly so that each of us have to chance to learn how to use the R studio and the video presenting. 

            I have learned a lot after using the R. How the data frame is created, how we know the type of data, how we presented the data into graphic representation so that it is clear to be seen. All those just have to filter the primary data, import into R and start coding. Graphic representations can be makes more attractive and better by changing the colors, the dimensions, the width and more. At the same time, computer scientists can directly get the vales they wanted by just some clicks and no need to do the complicated calculations. My goal is to create a powerful and better statistical tool but not keep using the existing statistical tools.

           After our project description is completed, we have to make a clear presentation about the survey we have carried out. There are a lot of animations and extra small conclusions added in the slides to make our graphic representations looks more interesting. We only present some special graphs that have the points. This presenting tasks are distributed evenly. On the other hand, we record our  Microsoft Power Point slide shows without showing faces. This is because all of us want to create the perfect slides that have no obstacle  for the lecturer.  




            In conclusion, I have learned a lot on how to get the information with the data we have and how the data can be linked to get a conclusion. Besides, I think that  good flow and smooth sentences are important to make our Project 1 descriptions look clear and perfect.  I am thankful to have a chance to complete the Project 1 with my group members. I have gained a lot of experiences to learn and use the R Studio to analyse the data that we collected in Project 1. I am satisfied because the conclusion we get is same as what we think in the beginning of our survey which is online shopping will continue to grow and eventually replace offline shopping in the future.

Project 1 Presentation












Complete Project 1



Data Set