ULAB3162 Personal Write Up

My Personal Write Up

Started using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator since I am 14 years old and I am very proficient with them. I begin to developed a passion to be a graphics designer especially in your company, Cara Sdn. Bhd. located at Cyberjaya.

The job is very interesting to me and I feel that I am a highly competitive candidate for this position with my good professional background and education. Furthermore, I have a seven years experience in this graphic field and my education qualification can be my key strengths that will support my success in this position. Currently I am doing freelancing graphics designing to support my finance.

The innovative and beautiful inventions of your business have always been a marvellous sight to me. As a forum to explore my career as an illustrator in the world of illustration, I feel extremely fortunate to be part of the team and would like to gather useful work experience.