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SECP 1513-01 Technology and Information System SEMESTER 01

From this class, I have learnt a lot of knowledge about technology and information system. I would like to thank our lovely lecturer, Dr. Azurah, for her patience in teaching and guiding us in this course. Moreover, I would also like to thank my helpful coursemates in helping me when I get confused in the subject. I gain a lot of useful information in this course that will help me in the future when studying computer science.

For this course, I hope I will be able to achieve good results and improve my knowledge more about technology.  In order to achieve this, I will have to read more information on the latest technology such as Industry 5.0 and artificial intelligence to gain knowledge. On the other hand, due to COVID-19, I am unable to improve my practical skills by doing actual lab activities in the school. However, I will try to improve it by watching more practical video such as how to do PC assembly manually. In this way, I will be able to improve my knowledge and practical skills in this course which will increase my potential in the industry in the future.


The End
