Probability & Statistical Data Analaysis

Introduction Project 2

This project is to identify all the statistic data in Korea. I were select this theme which is Health theme for my project was because this data set and the title attract my attention to do case study about this topic. The title for this project is Pharmaceutical Spending.

This dataset was made to monitor the pharmaceutical spending on the medicine prescription and self medication. This dataset also contains 7 types of indicators which are country, time, pharmaceutical expenditure, pharmaceutical GDP , USD capita, flag code and total spending for every year in each country. From the dataset, we decided to use Korea as a sample for my investigation.


The medium that I used for this case study are R studio and Microsoft Excel.

Reflection project 2

From this project I got new knowledge and also the new thing for sharpen my skills in statistical analysis. This project help to be more prepared with various type of skill before get into the industry.

This project also taught me on how to do statistical test to produce the accurate value for each test that had been tested. As example, the regression. Result that I gained from this test consists lots of method to accept or reject the hypothesis. 

Other than that, this project also teach me to be a particular person while doing coding for Rstudio. It is because when I keyed in the wrong number, the output will be wrong even if just one number was wrong. This is also one of the challenges that I faced to accomplished this case study. 

Then, my curiosity also increases while did the case study. It is because some of the indicators inside the dataset seems like not logic to the part of the dataset. After I did the correlation and regression test, all my curiosity answer and all my wonders were answered. 


In a nutshell, doing this case study helps me to increase my critical thinking in solving problems. This project also taught me how to solve the problems in given time and fulfill all the requirement on time. By that, this project method really helpful for the industry if they want to do research and observation for their data.




Introduction of Our Project 1

This project was held to identify the effect of students' lifestyle and involvement in extra curricular activity to their academic performance. This project also  helps us to produce ideas  for students to balance their academic performance and co-curricular activities. This survey consists 40 respondents and  19 variety kind of questions to identify student's lifestyle. The population for this survey is in the UTM and specifically for UTM students. Therefore, at the end of this project, we hope that we can conclude that the students' lifestyle can effect their academic performance.


As stated above, we held this project to investigate the relation between student's lifestyle and their academic performance and involvement in extra curricular activities. We start planning  the flow of this project at 29 February 2020.  The title of this project was after we remind back how our lifestyle in UTM and how it affect our grades for last semester so the idea to do survey on student's lifestyle came out after this scenario. At first planning, we decided to take only 30 respondents to answer our questionnaires but the data will imbalance and quit hard to analyze so we exceed the respondents to 40 respondents. Majority of these respondents were UTM students itself. 

Then, we start to blast our questionnaire on 3rd March 2020 by spreading it in our class groups, clubs and social media. After we blast it, we realized that some of our questionnaires were not suitable so we refer to our lecturer Dr Chan Weng Howe to give his opinion about that questionnaires. After Dr consulted us, we modified that questions and blast it again. We felt blessed and very grateful even if our group blast the survey a bit later than other groups but we made it and achieve our targeted respondents only in 3 days after we re-blast it.

Next, after we successfully achieved our targeted respondents, we started to analyze the data. We faced lots of difficulties in analyze the data because it was our first time using R Studio for analyzing.  Then, we not giving up so we watched lots of tutorials to use R studio in youtube and variety kind of platforms. We also distributed our duties to each member of groups. I was pointed to do analyzing the data of this survey. There are some plotting that difficult to do and took more than a day to achieve good plotting. 

We also need to do the presenting video since all of us need to stay at home because of MCO (Movement Control Order) during COVID19. We went through lot of obstacles in producing this video. For example, one of our members did not have a good connection so she faced difficulties to post her presenting video clip. Then, we discussed the problem and did consultation again with our lecturer to solve this problem. The results of the consultation, Dr give opportunity to us to record it without shown up our face. 


In a nutshell, we accomplished this project  even though we faced lots of obstacles to complete this project.