Delegation to UTHM

Activity Information

Program: Delegation to UTHM

Date: 27th February 2020

Venue: Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor


Graduate Attributes

1. Communication Skills

2. Adaptability

3. Thinking Skills



Unit Activity


Mini Report

Delegation is a program that organized by PERSAKA collaborate with ITC from UTHM.  All activities were held at FSKTM, UTHM on 27th February 2020. We arrived around 10.00 a.m and welcomed by Dean of FSKTM, Ts. Dr. Azizul Azhar bin Ramli. He gave a brief introduction about UTHM followed with speech by the representative lectures from PERSAKA and ITC. Both President of PERSAKA and ITC shared the developments and activities throughout the year of their organization. We go for a tour around their faculty and visit their labs. We also visit their library, UTHM Tunku Tun Aminah Library and the mosque,  Masjid Sultan Ibrahim UTHM.

As a crew of activity unit, I have to think about the activities that we should do for the whole day at UTHM. After a brainstorming session, me and my teammates manage to gather the ideas to do interesting activities during the day. I managed to improve my communication skills with my temmates and also thinking skills.



Overall, this program help me to improve my soft skills especially in handling an event/program. Eventhough we faced some difficulties during the meeting, but we managed to solve it together. I also took this opportunity to learn new things during the visit to UTHM.



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