Activities Information

Date: 14 May 2020

Venue: Facebook (Online Platform)

Organizer: Student Union UTM

Graduate attributes

1. Communication skills
2. Leadership and Teamworking skills

Position/Role in the activities

Role: Participant

Mini Report

Justification in joining the activities

Activity is a talk about the challenge of finding a job after graduate from the school/university. I would like to know how to improve myself before graduate so that I had more opportunity to get a job, what are the soft skills those needed to help with finding the job. Since one day I would also graduate from university, so it was necessary for me to attend the talk to make preparation. 

Graduate attributes focused

Communication skill and Leadership & Teamwork skill are the important graduate attributes those I thought in this talk. It is essential to practice the communication skill in order to have a good interviewing section, talk to the boss and clients confidently. Leadership & Teamwork skill are also important to lead a team when starting a project or work. With these skill, you will be able to lead the team and the project in the right path and also works well with the members. 


Content in the activities

The organizer, Student Union Task Force held the talk named university student and professional skills. The moderator is Mr. Sajit Anandevan Sunderasan and the speaker is Dr Jasrul Jamani, lecturer of School of Electrical Engineering UTM. In this talk, the speaker shared about the soft skills needed when applying to a job and always how a company will recruit the interviewee based on the CGPA and the skills they had. 


Soft skills such as communication skills and leadership & teamworking skills are much more important when applying a a job. These skills will help us in our job successfully. Without having soft skills, it is hard to compete with others since the job recruitment decision is on the company. It also reminds me that I should start to learn these skills when doing the group tasks or projects. The soft skills can be trained if we attend more activities or events and we can learned from other people. Before attending the talk, basically I had know the important of the soft skills. But still I learned a lot from the talk. The challenge that I faced is the way to improve the soft skills. I will feel not confident when talking to others. Hence, the solution I came out is attending a club or association with my friends and then try to involve into the club activity to gain the confident. 
