

On 4 March 2020, our GSA lecturer, Sir Lokman had organised an class activity to train our communication skill. In my opinion this activity was very fun and very successful. This activity  consist of 4 members per team, and each member was given their task, one of the member will become an artist who is responsible to draw the picture through the description given by other 3 member, while other 3 members have to give description to the artist with 3 different ways one is direct face-to-face,  through phone and last one is through essay/short memo.  Through this activity I notice that a clear communication is very important to do the tasks no matter in our daily life or future. This is because a clear and detail description is very important for the tasks to complete successfully as you can see in the picture, there are 3 different drawing through 3 different ways of description. The drawing that is the most similar to the drawing given by the lecturer is drawing number 3.

As the conclusion although the good and clear description is very important, but each person have different understanding and thinking therefore it is also important to find the suitable way for every person. 

Graduate Success Attribute