Probability and Statistic

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After receive the rubric from our PSDA lecturer, me and my group member Sashi and Jeggean have a group meeting to discuss about what topic we want to do. After some discussion we decided to do a topic about "Morning Routine Among UTM Students". After decided the topic we want to do, we decided to collect the data through online survey and we  prepare the question using Survey Heart to collect the data and respond from the students at UTM. After get the permission from our lecturer to distribute the survey form, we then distribute the survey form into our Whatsapp group. After one week of collecting data, we think the amount of data collected is enough and we decided to go to the next step which is the data analysis part. After that we store the data at the Excel for the data analytic part. 

After get the briefing from our lecturer on how to do the analysis of the data using R studio, we start to do the data analysis with the data we collected in the Excel. When we face some problem when doing the data analysis part using R studio, we will find the solution using Google, read the slide provided by our lecturer or we will ask our lecturer. To make our data analysis interesting, we follow the rubric given by the sir. We divided our data into different graph which are bar graph, scatter plot, box plot, stem and leaf, frequency distribution, and pie chart.

After finishing the data analysis part, we continue with writing the report. We use the Word to write the report to describe what we get from the data collected and the graph we prepare. We divided the part among our team member where Shashi write the introduction, methodology and analysis two graph while Jeggean do the last 4 graph and the conclusion and I do the 5 graph. After prepare the report we divide our part for the video. Due to MCO  and the cases of the covid virus, we can need to prepare a video for the presentation part. For my group we divide the part into 3 part and each of us get a minimum 2 minutes to present the video. After each of us taking the video of our part, Jeggean help us the combine the 3 video into one video and submit through e learning.

From this project, I have learn a lot of skill such as prepare the online survey, analysis the data using R studio and how to prepare a video for the presentation. Besides, I also learn how to find solution and never give up and face the problem.       

Project Presentation Video