Activity Report 2 - SUSKOM'20 (Badminton)

This page will discuss about all 6 of the requirements needed for an ExCel activity report.

Activity Information

  • DATE: 1st - 7th March 2020
  • VENUE: UTM Sports Hall 1 (Badminton Event)
  • ORGANIZER: Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Komputer (PERSAKA)

Graduate Attributes

  • Communication Skills
  • Thinking Skills
  • Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  • Adaptability
  • Global Citizen

Role in The Activity

I participated in the Badminton event of SUSKOM'20 as a participant, in both the men's singles and men's doubles category.

Mini Report


When I first saw the advertisement for this activity, I was immediately excited and eager to participate in it. SUSKOM'20 is a sports activity held in the School of Computing on a yearly basis. The participants had to represent their respective courses and compete against participants from other courses. The course with the most medals will be crowned as the winning course of this activity. My partner and I participated in the Badminton event of this activity in the Men's Doubles category, while I also took part in the Men's Singles category by myself. I took part in both of the categories because I wanted to use this chance to challenge myself and see how much I can achieve with my abilities at the time.

Throughout this activity, I was really able to learn about the importance of communication teamwork, teamwork, leadership skills, and also many other important graduate attributes. My partner and I had to constantly communicate with each other respectfully, and work together with great teamwork in order to execute our strategies during our games. Although I was already exhausted by the time the doubles event began, My partner kept motivating me to keep going and in the end, we managed to win the doubles category, while I was able to win my singles category on the day before the doubles games begun.

In short, I was really glad to have taken part in this activity because it has taught me many valuable lessons and has contributed to my growth and development into a better student.


Myself (Men's Singles Category)

My Partner & Myself (Men's Doubles Category)
