Data Engineering Symposium - Committee Member

Data Engineering Symposium - Committee Member RSS

Description: This program is a symposium that introduces to what is data engineering in the industry.
Date: 20/4/2021- 27/4/2021
Venue: Persaka UTM Facebook Live
Organizer: Persaka UTM
Position: Committee Member (Multimedia Unit)

Teamworking & Leadership Skills

On, 27th April 2021, Persaka UTM held a Data Engineering Symposium to introduce to the students what is Data Engineering and so on. The graduate attribute that is focus on this event is Teamworking & Leadership Skills. At first, Muhammad Irfan who is the director approached me to join this event and I agree with it. I was chosen to be in Multimedia Unit which I love creating something new based on my creativity. This is because my passion is toward art and designing.  So the tasks that have been given to me in Multimedia Unit are working on their poster, e-cert, overlay, backdrop, and so on. For this teamwork, I was matched with Nur Hadirah Munawarah who is my colleague in this course. For the first task in this project, I create a digital e-certificate using PowerPoint software. Other than that, I choose the e-certificate template from google. Then, I discuss with Nur Hadhirah regarding my idea for e-cert and poster. Besides that, we also have several meetings with the committee regarding the event planning process.

Moving on to the next task, Nur Hadirah and I divided our work so that there is much time to complete all the tasks. I was assigned to do the overlay for stream purposes. I used Canva Software to complete the overlay perfectly. Nur Hadirah was assigned to do the poster and backdrop.  Nur Hadirah was a good teammate as we help each other during the completion process. Even though I am not a member of Persaka UTM but I enjoy working under their club. Before this, I never been in any Multimedia Unit but since this participation in this committee work, I realized that my passion for multimedia is not a joke. Since that time, I keep involving myself in creativity competitions such as creating a poster and more. Lastly, I would like to say that being an introverted person just like how I am before this is such a waste. We have to keep moving forward, opening up new doors, and doing new things, because curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. Moving forward in life helps me to avoid stagnation and allows me to maintain my pace, without being lured away by the various temptations of life.

Below shows some of my works in the symposium event. 

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