Reflection Project 2

Throughout this project, I learn a lot of new information and sharpening my few skills that I can use in the future. My part of this project is doing the hypothesis testing on the dataset that we chose which is several attributes of drivers in percentage that contribute to fatal accidents in the states of America. I never knew about the Kaggle website where we can get the dataset. In the future, I can use this website if I have another project about doing analysis or any assignments related to the data. I also feel happy because I have new experience doing coding using R studio. I learn how to use the R studio almost 3 days to understand and figure out how to use it to do the Hypothesis testing on 2 sample tests. I read lots of websites on google and watch few videos on YouTube to have a deep understanding of the R studio. I really hope I have any assignments or subjects on the next semester that require me to use the R studio. At first, I feel relaxed because my part only doing the Hypothesis testing because its mean I have less burden. After successfully using the R studio, I regret my decision to chose only Hypothesis testing because I feel like I want to do all the tests in this project. I like the feeling of success after doing all the hard work and struggle. Its feel like my sleepless night and stress was paid off. I also feel grateful for choosing my groupmate because they really give 100% of their efforts in doing this project despite all the due dates of other projects and assignments.