TIS(SECP1513) reflection SEM 1



Technology and Information System (TIS) subject give me chances to learn more about technologies around us. for example, I learn about many types of virus and malware so, I can prepare suitable countermeasure to keep away any harmful program from my computer. It made me more passionate to learn this subject.

other than that, my groupmates, Ng, Adibah, Jack and I got to know how to solve problems with 5 phases in design thinking. our working process became more systematic and efficient because we had a clear target in reaching our goal. the 5 phases-Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test is very useful when I want to tackle ill-defined problems. Although our group facing some problem which is different in the schedule of our classes, we manage to complete our assignment in a given time after planning carefully.

At CICT galleria, we got a chance to look closely at previous devices that use by UTM's staff. The most Interesting devices for me is Impact Printer and Mainframe Data Storage. Through all Industrial visits, we can set a plan to improve our potential in the industry because we can decide which field do we want to focus more on.