Programming Technique 1


This course equips students with theory and practice on problem solving techniques by using the structured approach.Students are required to develop programs using C++ programming language, in order to solve simple to moderate problems. The course covers the following: pre-processor directives, constants and variables, data types, input and output statements, control structures: sequential, selection and loop, built-in and user-defined functions, single and two dimensional arrays, file operations, pointers, and structured data types.   


Programming, one of the most fundamental subjects in computer science course. To me , when i first get in touched with programming,it is fun but at the same time it's driving me crazy  when I'm trying to debug the error on my code. Programming  is a subject that makes me put a lot of focuses and efforts into it and I hope that by the end of the day, all my efforts doesn't not only show on the result slip but more important is I could become a good programmer.