Probability & Statistical Data Analysis


Project 1 Video

Reflection for Project 1

By doing this project, I can deepen my knowledge and learn more about this subject especially from chapter 1 to chapter 3 since this project involves with those chapter. Of course, I understand what had been taught by my lecturer, but by doing this practically will increase my understanding towards this subject. Before this, I always wondering, what are the point if we learn something, but we don’t know where to use it and how to apply in real life. It is just like a waste if some knowledge that I get can’t be used properly. But after doing this project, I understand more what I have been learn. Second, I can see that teamwork is needed and necessary when it come to do group work. My teammate help me a lot to finish my parts. Whenever I don’t understand or don’t know how to do the task, they patiently explain to me how to solve it. Also, since we had to do this project separately due to Restricted Movement Order (RMO), I find it quite hard to finish the project. Because my house is in rural area, the internet are not so stable. It is quite hard to do some research about the project. And also for video making process, for me, I prefer to do it in a group, but since the situation does not allowed us to do so, so we have to do it one by one. It is hard because I have nobody to help me to record the video and so on, but since my teammate does not urge me to finish the video as soon as possible, so it’s quite help me to ease my mind. They also help me a lot to finish my part. So this shows the important of the teamwork within group. We manage to finish the project smoothly and earlier than the due date.

Reflection Project 2

       The data that I choose for this case study is about heart disease. First of all, by doing this project, of course I will gain new knowledge which is about the factor and condition of a person that will increase the probability of getting any type of heart disease. There are some facts about the factor that causes this disease that I don’t know but after doing this project, I practically learn about it. Secondly, it increase my understanding towards the topic that have been taught because I know how to use what I learnt in real life. As in Malaysia before this is in Movement Control Order (MCO), so all the class are online and because it is online, sometime there are some parts that I don’t really understand, but by doing this, which we can consider as a revision, it actually help me to understand more for those chapter. Last but not least, since the students need to take class online and some of the subjects that I learnt doesn’t have final examination and it is change with either addition assignment or project or alternative assessment. This make the students face with many kind of works. From this, I learn to manage my time properly. Before this, my time management is not good enough but since the situation force me to do so, after a moment I realize that my time management is becoming good. Even during the time I do this project, I also have another 2 project for other subject that I must complete and submit, so no matter what, I try my best to solve all those problem and soon I find myself can handle all those situation. So I think it is good enough for me because it help me to overcome my bad management.