Program Information

Date: 20/5/2021 - 22/5/2021

Venue: Depend on the activity

Organiser: Jawatankuasa Kolej Mahasiswa, Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail (JKM KTDI)

Position: Unit Activity


Mini Report

Open Day Resak 2021 or also known as OPERA 21’ is a program organized by the Student Residential College Committee (JKM) for 2020/2021 session. This program with the concept of mini carnival is held virtually for the student of Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail (KTDI). The main objective of this program is to promote Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail (KTDI) to the students especially to those who have never been to UTM before. In this program, we introduce all the available facilities and also common places like Balai Cerap, Dataran Resak in KTDI through an entertaining way. Other than that, this program’s objective also to provide a platform for KTDI students to engage with each other through a very interesting way of networking. The program date is between 20th to 22nd of May 2021 and during that duration, many activities were done. For example, Virtual Explorace, KTDI Got Talent, Movie Date, e-games, Forum Agama, Skincare Talk and so on. Each of the activity were held of different platform depending on what kind of activity it is. For example, Movie Date use Discord as their platform while Skincare Talk use Facebook live as their platform



My position for this program is as a committee of activity department and I need to handle KTDI Got Talent with my two other teammates. KTDI Got Talent is a program where all the participants need to pre-record their video. That video must be a talent video and need to follow all the rules and regulations provided by the activity unit. This program teach me about team working and communication skills. First of all, since there are many work need to be done during handling this activity process, this is where team working is really important. All the tasks that need to be completed are divided fairly between us. This is to make sure everyone in the team have the same amount of work and not just only certain people do it. In my opinion, having a discussion to divide the work is also one of the team working aspect in order to make sure everyone are responsible to their task and responsibility. Next, the second skills that I learn from this program is communication skills. There are some miscommunication happen between the committee members and I can see how much impact this problem can give to us. So it is really important to communicate well with other people so that any problem can be prevented in the future.


Graduate Attribute

  1. Communication Skills
  2. Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  3. Global Citizen


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