Discrete Structure


Discrete Structure's reflection RSS

In my opinion, discrete structure subject is basically a mathematics subject that involve with the discrete elements. In other words, it is mathematics for computer. From my point of view, this subject is quite important to computer science students because it is actually a collection of techniques and algorithms to solve a certain problem. It almost the same as algorithms in programming but using the mathematical technique to solve the problem.

This subject help me improve myself in mathematics problem which was related with real life problem. This subject allow me to think creative and analytical while solving the problem. So it can enhance my thinking skills. Beside, this subject also give me a better understanding to certain topic that I’m very weak which is Probability. Even from secondary school, I’m not interested in this subject because my logic can’t understand the Probabilty rules. Hence, I can’t do the question regarding this chapter. But, since I learning this subject, I slowly understand this chapter and to be shocked, it is quite easy than what I think before this. If I do more exercise, I believe that I can fully understand and score this subject.
