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                        Throughout this project, I have learned a lot especially on how to utilize R programming to do statistical analysis. During this project, there are several issues that my group and I faced, such as how to use R programming to do the data analysis. Thus, we need to explore first before doing our project. Luckily, we were also provided with an R programming slide by our lecturer as reference.  Even though R is new to me, I tried my best to explore and learn R in order to complete this project. For me, learning and using R is not really hard as it is also similar to other programming languages, and it is also simpler. Thanks to this project and also this course, because I am able to grab this opportunity to gain new experiences using R language and RStudio software. To me, it is so beneficial to do data analysis. Maybe one day, when I am already in the industry, and I need to use R programming to do any data analysis, it is not a big deal as I already have experience using R.


              Moreover, initially, the task was quite difficult as we needed to find the suitable dataset in order to do all the required tests. At first we decided to use other dataset, but unfortunately we need to change it because the dataset cannot do several tests. Furthermore, since we have finished our syllabus earlier, we have more time to complete this project. Upon completing this project, I also gained valuable knowledge as I implemented what I have learned in class such as hypothesis testing with one and two samples, correlation, regression, and goodness of fit test. By implementing all of these, it makes me understand more about the topics. 


                   My team did an amazing job and I am truly grateful to be one of the team members of this group project. Each member did the delegated task excellently and not only that, we also work hand in hand to fix every upcoming issue and problem. I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my SECI2143 PSDA lecturer, Dr Azurah binti Abu Samah for her enthusiastic encouragement, guidance and support to me and my group, so that we were able to complete this project. I really appreciate Dr Azurah’s sincere effort and spending her precious time to brief us and assist us on steps to do the project and giving us the outline to do the project. Not only that, I am truly grateful to have a considerate and understanding lecturer as Dr Azurah gave us more time to complete and submit the project.

