AFAF AZMAN's profile picture AFAF AZMAN

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About me

Hello, my name is Afaf. I am a fourth year student who currently taking Bachelor Of Computer Science (Computer Network And Security) With Honours at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor.

  • Faculty: Engineering
  • Student ID: A20EC0175
  • Display name: AFAF AZMAN
  • Email address:
  • Town: Batu Pahat
  • City/region: Johor
  • Country: Malaysia

AFAF AZMAN's portfolios

Reflection RSS

Reflection - Kuiz MPB

By joining the quiz competition, the graduate attributes that I am able to developed are adaptability, thinking skills, global citizen, and self-awareness. As answering the questions, I unknowingly developed my thinking skills as the questions given are general questions regarding the consumer rights and the good and services. Even though I did not make it to the final level, I am able to gain knowledge. Other than that, the quiz competition has created self-awareness in myself. Last but not least, it is a good experience to join the quiz competition as I gained very useful knowledge.

Reflection - Code on Weekend

The impact of this event on the development of my graduate attributes is I was able to gain a great experience to adapt myself learning a new programming language in a short time. I was also able to develop my thinking skills while developing the code during the activities. As a computer science student, I was so excited to learn a new programming language as it can hone my programming skills. The challenge I faced during the lesson was I need to absorb the knowledge in such a short time. Sure I was able to learn a simple Python code but to develop a good and complex code, I need to learn more than just the introduction to Python language. However, I am glad that the speaker are able to guide us through the language and give some advice on how to be a good programmer.

Reflection - Basic French Course

During the course, adaptability, thinking skills, and communication skills are one of the graduate attributes developed while being a participant. The Basic French Course did not only developed my communication skills but also thinking skills. This is because there were activities held during the lesson that required participants to use their thinking skills. Adaptability skills were developed when I am expected to find diverse and unexpected solutions to problems and challenges during the activities. The challenge I faced during the event was I have no knowledge or skills in communicating in French language. I need to quickly remember the words taught as it will be used in later activities. The way of French language's  pronunciation also is different from English and Bahasa Melayu. Luckily the speaker guided every participant and slowly teach us how to pronounce each French words. Overall, I learned so much during the lesson and able to do a simple self introduction in French language.

Reflection of Chapter Presentation (SECP1513)

Chapter presentation was me and my group members' first task for this course. We need to present about Chapter 8 : Communications and Networks to our class. From this task, I can learn more about communication and network. 

SECP1315 - Course Reflection

Technology and Information System course had taught me a lot throughout this semester. It shows the important of IT in our life where it includes hardware, software, network and communication, system application and more. During this semester, I had attend a few industrial talk related to this course. I would like to thank my lecturer, Dr. Goh and my group members for their commitment and guidance throughout this semester. 










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