Technology and Information System (SECP1513)


This is the page dedicated to all the progress, learning outcome and reflection of me from the course. 

Design Thinking (Secondary Storage)


Design Thinking is an iterative process in which we seek to understand the user, challenge assumptions, and redefine problems in an attempt to identify alternative strategies and solutions that might not be instantly apparent with our initial level of understanding 


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We have invented a secondary storage device that can be useful to store large files. In addition, we made it smaller but with large capacity to make it easier to carry around. The large capacity of the device can be used to store files and programs with large sizes. This will make the user keep a lot of files in the device. We also made it smaller so it can fit in the user's pocket. The device is a non-volatile device that can permanently store any data without using power. Also, we constructed the device to be rigid, as if dropped from a high place. It can also withstand higher pressure. The device is doesn't rely on internet connection, which means the user can use the device to transfer or receive any files anywhere with no internet connection.


From this project I have learnt a lot about secondary storage devices. From type of
Hard Disks, Head Crash Disaster, SSD, Optical Disc, Cloud Storage, Storage Area Network. even many
types of careers in the storage industry. Also I improved myself for public speaking through the
interview I have made, and learnt many more things like analyzing
people’s problems and getting a solution for them which is mostly what design thinking is.

PC Assembly


We were given the PC Assembly Assignment on 28th November. It was amazing for me to learn about the PC and it's components and how to build it all together. We got to learn all what we needed about building a PC, from the the tools that we need, to the basic components of the CPU and the function of each of them. We got to understand the process of assembling a PC and demonstrating it. I wished this experience was made on campus, but unfortunately it didn't due to the current issues. But I still enjoyed working on it very much!

Industrial Talk by Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) entitled - Industrial 4.0: Past, Present, Future

IR 4.0

In this industrial talk, I learned a lot about the history and revolution in regards to industry. From Industrial Revolution 1.0 to the current Industrial Revolution 4.0. We got to know more about the current Industrial Revolutions and what to expect in the future. We benefited a lot from this talk and we concluded it all in a poster.

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Industrial Talk - The Importance and Trending of IT Project Management

The Importance and Trending of IT Project Management

This Industrial Talk was conducted on the 1st of December 2020. The objective of this talk was to expose the students to industrial world and to improve in the cognitive complexity, intrapersonal/interpersonal relationship and practical competence. The title for this industrial talk is “The Importance and Trending of IT Project Management”. Dr. Goh Eg Su, Senior Lecturer of School of Computing, UTM was the moderator for the talk. Students were introduced to the speaker, Mr. Khairul Reeza Ruslan. Mr. Khairul who has about 14 years experiences in a Portfolio/ Programme/ Project Management and is currently the Head of Project Management Office Commerce Dot Com Sdn Bhd and has more than RM150 Million for total portfolio value.


In this talk, I learned many things that are important and it can help me to reach my goal as I have learned
what I need to know about the industry. This talk helped me to understand better about the project management and its importance. From what I have learned, in order to improve my potential in the industry, I need to do a lot of practical training besides getting advice from experts. This advice will help me to know more about the industry. Therefore, I will have enough preparation to step in the industry world and to adapt with it quickly.



Industrial Talk - Inspiring Work Experience And Covid-19 Pandemic Challenge

Inspiring Work Experience And Covid-19 Pandemic Challenge

This talk was conducted on the 29th of December 2020. This talk benefited me a lot, by exposing me to the work experience. The speakers also taught me about some of the challenges that they faced in their careers, and how to choose a suitable position in my future job, or how to get hired in the first place. Also they shared with us, based on their experience, some ways to improve our soft skills and technical skills

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Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

In this assignment, we were asked to make a group report about Cloud Computing Fundamentals. From the assignment, we got to learn a lot about cloud computing, like its background, the services that it offer and many more things.