Digital Logic (SECR1013)


This is the page dedicated to all the progress, learning outcome and reflection of me from the course.

LAB #1

In this lab activity, we were introduced to basic bread boarding and writing techniques, the use of input switches and output LEDs in generating truth tables for a combinational logic circuit and to verify the characteristics of the basic logic gates.

LAB #2

During this lab we were exposed to producing digital logic circuits, generating truth table and Timing Diagram with Deeds Simulator, Completing cycle process of a combinational circuit design and simulate it with Deeds Simulator.

LAB #3

During this activity, we got to experience constructing a synchronous counter circuit Flip-Flop IC, Basic Gate ICs, Breadboard and ETS-5000 Digital Kit. 

PDF for Lab #1

PDF for Lab #2

PDF for Lab #3