Reflections Page

Probability & Statistical Data Analysis RSS


My reflection after doing PSDA Project:

Honestly, I enjoyed studying the course. It is all about figuring & differentiating samples from populations, categorizing data, grouping data, calculating data, representing data. you will convert simple data into useful information that could allow you to have sensational feeling of the data when you will graph it. Not only that, you will be able to event predict events under small number of error. However, i feel the project give me the confidence to interact with the data more then before. I applied all my knowledge that i gained from the course to make the dataset me and my group chose (which was about seatbelts and car accidents) meaningful. I saw how powerful data science is.

Here is a glance of our project:

Screenshot (193).png

Last but not lest, I Would recommend juniors to have a good background on Data Science and get used to R environment to make a good project. ;) 





What You Are Gonna Learn in TIS?

Technology And Information is a subject that you will take in the first semester or the second in UTM. it will teach you a lot of terms about the Internet and technology, starting from the tiny hardware details inside the digital device untill reaching the internet of things (IoT) and the cloud services. the Subject is full of group work and discussions. We had the honor to meet people specializing in technology and we had a dialogue about this topic. We understood a lot about our specialty.
