Self Reflection - Activity 03 - COMPFAIR'20 - Prep Talk 3 : “Get To Know The Reality of Internship”

This event is about those seniors share their experience throughout their internship time. I appreciate I have a chance to listen to this sharing session before I going to an internship. After listening to this sharing session, I had known that we may face some challenges and how to overcome it. We need to strengthen our communication skill to let us have interpersonal relationship. Besides that, we need to have the ability to manage relevant information from various sources, develop an inquisitive mind in our future working life by having a motivation want to learn. I am very fortunate that I have the opportunity to hear this sharing session so that I have the opportunity to listen to the opinions of others before accepting the internship so that I can happily learn from others during the internship. We need to train ourselves to have strong adaptability skill to adaptability any changing in the working environment. We need to keep learning to strengthen our mindset and achieve our dream.