Self Reflection

My goals in this course are to get a better understanding in all the subjects that I have learnt, as well as excel in these subjects and apply them in my future life. My dream is to become an expert in database and security management in one of the huge companies. Apart from that, I dream that my contributions in security and technology related matters bring benefits to the community and even the country. These contributions of mine will focus on eliminating possible cybercriminal attacks whilst maintaining the ease to use the technology.


To improve my potential in the industry, I will have to gain a lot of knowledge and experience so that I can collaborate with other people and give out some great ideas and plans, and execute them precisely, to make the world a better and safer place. In addition, I need to be mentally prepared to overcome challenges and obstacles that get in my way since learning about technology and cyber security is not an easy task. This is because cyber security is a serious thing to look at especially when it comes to protecting large amounts of data from many individual users to big companies to government confidential data. Thus, I must put out a lot of effort in order to improve my potential and return excellent results in the future.