Reflection E-portfolio /

  • What is your goal/dream concerning your course/program?

        My dream is to become expert in programming because it is one of the aspects of becoming a security engineer. In my foundation studies, I started learning the programming language which is C language. It was a bit hard at first but after that it becoming more interesting to learn. Now, I am one of the selected students for the Network & Security degree at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. My study goal is to achieve at least Dean's List every semester. I also would love to join extracurricular activities that can boost my confidence and improve my soft skills. I hope that I will become a security engineer at Google or Intel. I will work hard to achieve my dream job.

  • What is the action/improvement/plan necessary for you to improve your potential in the industry?

         Due to developed technologies, this type of companies demand employees that are the best skilled for their company such as soft skills, hard skills, leadership skills and many more that can benefit them. So, I must already prepared with the skills to be selected as one of the employees. How to be at that level? I must learn basic skills of programming, web developing and editing. For communicating skills, I can learn it from youtube as a platform where every skills can be developed with hard work and dedication. During classes, I must be able to volunteer and lead any group to enhance my leadership skills.