
  • What is your goal/dream concerning your course/program?

        Before I started my university life, my knowledge about programming was almost zero. However, after I have been introduced to programming language during my foundation, I started to love the language as it teaches me a lot of interesting technical works that challenge my mind and may be a great benefit for me and our society in the future. Currently, I am one of the first year student in Network and Security at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Since day one, my goal is to have an excellent results by achieving pointer 4.00 in every semester. I also want to join any academics and extracurricular activities that can improve my soft skills, communication skills, leadership and many more. In the future, I’m dreaming to be a part network security department for Google or Samsung team since I am huge fan of this two mega companies. In order to make my dream come true, I will hustle in every aspect in order to make my dream come true.

  • What is the action/improvement/plan necessary for you to improve your potential in the industry?

                 In this modern century, many of the companies need an employer that has skills that can benefit them over their academic qualifications.  Leadership skills, communication skills and soft skills are the important skills that I need to develop to make myself be one of the competent employees that can be selected from the interview sessions. In order to do so, I can learn about the basic skills of editing, coding and web developing from the internet. Besides, Ted Talk, a famous youtube channel can be the platform for me to improve my communication skills and  I can learn how to be a good presenter in front of many people. I also can enhance my leadership skills by volunteering myself to be a leader in any group that I joined during classes. I will learn how to lead my team to be the best team in the class even to be the best team among my coursemates.