The industry talk 1 reflection

        With the first industrial revolution, human life has dramatically changed, and the way we produce things developed much better compared to the way it was. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the 2nd and 3rd industrial revolutions happened and have seen many other new technologies existed such as computers and automobiles. Now, we are implementing the 4th industrial revolution and we are changing faster than ever before.

        Our industrial talk 1 was focused on the industrial revolution 4 (IR 4.0). The speaker has mentioned some of the components that represent the IR 4.0 such as Autonomous Robots, IoT, Big Data, and Augmented Reality. Autonomous Robots are machines that can perform tasks without the help of human control. With cloud computing we can use network servers that are hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process our data. The IoT connects everything in our life to the internet, our cars, home, and all our digital devices. Also, he explained how Malaysia is preparing for the future with all the new projects that are going on such as the 5G, smart city, smart tourism, and smart agriculture.

       All in all, the world is always changing and always there a new technology is coming. It has many benefits in our life but it also can affect people’s job. The industry talk was full of valuable information about the technology industry which will be so helpful for us in the near future.

Industry talk 2

Industry talk 2 was about IT project management and the importance of project management. The speaker started the session by the definition of a project and covered the areas of project management which are time, cost, quality, scope, risk, and benefits. Then, he shared some of his experiences and explained some examples and principles of IT project management. Finally, he gave us an idea about the process of managing the projects. By doing this repot we have learned so much about project management and we can apply this knowledge in real-life problems.