Reflection: Industrial Talk 1 - Industrial 4.0: Past, Present, Future

          Human being, as the caliph on earth, showed that we are able to change the world with our endeavor. Look at the timeline of history, before the Industrial Revolution, production was made through simple tools and with the contribution of family members at homes or workshops nearly in of the whole world. After the 1st Industrial Revolution, production was moved to machines and factories, it has shown that humans are keep improving their live. Moreover, Industrial Revolution keep on processing until it revolutionizes the technologies of electricity, mass production, digital and computing, there are the most significant root of the birth of modernization era right now.  

          Every Industrial Revolution brought tremendous changes to civilization of human being, we are now heading to the era of artificial intelligent, IR4.0, technology changed our live rapidly. Nowadays, our live surrounded by technology goods thoroughly since IR3.0, the 3rd Industrial Revolution in digital and computing field, especially during the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, while we are enjoying the benefits that technology brought to us, we should appreciate the convenience of technology products but not addicted on it, we also should not abuse it to implement any illegal activities, use it in right ways can keep harmony in our society.

What is Industry 4.0? Here's A Super Easy Explanation For Anyone