As a computer science student, I must have a clear mindset of dealing with and managing data. I think the probability subject made me understand how to collect and manage data to create my purpose. the importance of data is not just to make tests or get a conclusion from it the data help the programmer build and algorithms that suites the user who will deal with it. On the YouTube platform, it collects the user data and adjusts his first-page content based on the data collected. In Facebook, the advertisement on the main page is built on algorithms that analyze and study users behave and expect their intentions .through the project of probability. I learned how to deal with datasets or the data collected .in the tests that I did on data I learned how to get final result from a test that helps me understand the behavior and relationships between different data .in the correlation and regression data analysis it learned how to understand expect the two samples of data that will help me decide what kind of services of decisions I could take to produce better services. I think taking such a subject is very useful for me.

My reflection on TIS

The TIS subject was helpful and introduced new knowledge to me, especially in the computer field. I earned a lot of experience in the computer field. I had a lot of group work experience .my experience with group work was not that good. I think that because of the pandemic of covid-19. my goal is to earn more knowledge and experience in computer science .my plan to improve this subject is to implement new technology on it like VR experience to achieve a more interactive experience.