Building Whatsapp UI using Flutter /

On 9th October 2020 at 3.00pm until 5.00pm, my friends and I were joining an online workshop named Building Whatsapp UI using Flutter workshop. It was a new and great experience to participate in this workshop as I do not know anything about flutter framework. This is my first time hearing about this flutter framework. As a student of Software Engineering course, I realize that this is the opportunity for me to gain new knowledge and new skill that related to my field of study. I really hope that this new skill can help me to increase my job opportunity as it is hard to find jobs based on what we interested into. The Building Whatsapp User Interface (Whatsapp UI) using Flutter workshop were organized by Developer Student Club (DSC UTM).

The moderator of the workshop was the head of development of DSC UTM named Loh. This workshop has lasted for 2 hours using Youtube Live platform. Youtube Live is very helpful as it will automatically record the live streaming video. So, the participants can refer to the youtube video in the future to revise what are the things that has been discussed. Before the youtube live session started, the participants were gathered in a Whatsapp group to facilitate the dissemination of information and the organizer shared the link for the installation of the flutter in the Whatsapp group. So, the participants can install the flutter framework before the live session started. There are four topics that has been covered in this workshop which were who is DSC UTM, what is flutter, material design and widgets and also the tutorial on building the Whatsapp UI using Flutter. In this report, I will included what I got from the workshop and I will also include all the graduate attributes that I have gained throughout this workshop. The graduate attributes that I have gained are thinking skills and adaptability skills.