Building Whatsapp UI using Flutter / Building Whatsapp UI using Flutter /

From this workshop, I have got to learn new method to develop an application and also got to build user interface (UI) of the Whatsapp application. This experience has increased my innovative skill. This experiences also has increased my thinking skills and adaptability skills. By implementing this knowledge to the real world project, I am sure that the process would be easier. Furthermore, the participants of this workshop will get e-certificate as well. I hope that the e-certificate will also can help me in the future.




            To be conclude, I am glad to find about this workshop early as I can prepare myself by installing the flutter framework before the live session started. This is a very interesting workshop that I have joined so far. I have gained new knowledge that can improve my skill in developing an application. I really hope that this new skill can be an advantage for me as a developer in the future. As for improvement for the next workshop, the organizers should provide explanation or notes on what will be discussed before the session started as it will increase the understanding of the participants. But, overall the workshops are running smoothly and fine. The explanation from the instructors were also satisfying and understandable. Other than that, I would like to participate in workshops like this in future too if I have the chances.