LIM YEU CHEN's Reflection

Reflection on SECI2143(03) - PSDA Project 2

Throughout this project, I have gained a lot of knowledge on each task in conducting this analysis. Firstly, I get to know several websites that provide various kinds of datasets, for example, Kaggle, Department of Statistic Malaysia (DOSM) and so on. At last, we selected the dataset from Kaggle, which is investigating the number of holders of Bachelor's Degree in United States. Then, we distribute the tasks and proceed our respective task. Zeng Kai was doing the R script, Kok Yong was doing the data analysis, while I was doing the report and the compilation of our respective works. When I helped my Kok Yong in doing the data analysis, I learnt on how to apply several concepts of analytical testing, namely hypothesis test, correlation test, regression test and the chi-square test. While doing the data analysis, we can go through all the calculations involved in the tests for deeper understanding. In addition, we know how to read the data from the scatter plot graphs as well as the R script. Although I was not quite familiar with R programming, my teammates will patiently assist me in understanding the R programming. 

I will appreciate my precious time to master more programming languages during the upcoming sembreaks. This experience of conducting statistical analysis is very valuable and vital as the data is getting critically important in this era of Big Data. I should equip myself with this skill and master it.

First-day Class

Today is my first day of the class. Everyone is friendly here. Throughout the ice-breaking session which is held by Dr. Goh, I get to know more about my section mates. It's a wonderful starting of my uni's life..