This is the last project for PSDA and this is the final exam. It is a challenge studying and doing assessment at home. Another challenge  is when my laptop broke down.  Based on the calculation that I have done, most of the calculation lead to the rejection of H0 in other word, the first mean of a data does not equal to another mean of the data. The plotted graph for correlation show us that the relationship is strong. If we refer t o the scale that Dr Suhaila provide us in the slide, the value of that we calculate is greater than 0.8 and it is porstively plotted at the first quadrant. That is a proof that the Y axis and the x axis has a strong relationship between them. Hypothesis 2- Sample, comparing mpg of us cars manufacturer with Europe manufacturer. The calculation show us that we reject H0 and this proof that the mpg of Europe cars is different form US cars. Most of the findings lead to the same decision rejecting H0
