Reflection about PSDA project 2

Finally finish the project 2 at last week before the final week. This is project  is different with the project 1. Project 1 is a group project while project 2 is an individual project. This project is used as the replacement for the PSDA final examination. 

So, lets talk about the project 2. At the starting of this project, we had to find any secondary data that you want to study. I found the dataset about the statistic Road Safety as my study. After that, we needed to submit a proposal project on 17th May 2020. I didn't start to do until a week before the date of final project's submission. All the value obtained and the figure in this project was calculated using R studio. After that, I started to make the video presentation and finally is the project report.  


What I have learned from this project is needed to manage your time wisely. Just like I doing in last week and all the things needed to be in rush because there are also other assignments and projects needed to be submitted at that week. If the tasks were separated perfectly, then you do not need to rush. I regret that I do not do the work earlier but I grateful that I can finish all the tasks in time.  

I want to thank to our lecturer, Dr. Suhaila who gives us a lot of time to do the project. I appreciate it. Moreover, I want to thank to my friends who always help me in this project too. That's all from me, Thank you very much.