TAN LI MIN's Reflection /
PSDA Project 2 - reflection

      In my project 2 of probability and statistical data analysis, I choose the topic of online business sales. Actually, this is not my first choice of dataset. I had change three sets of data and finally, I found the perfect match dataset for my project. In the process of choosing a suitable dataset, I had really understood about correlation and regression. I had changed my previous datasets because the datasets have fewer variables that do not fulfill this project. To find the suitable dataset, I had read the slides of correlation and regression for many times to make sure I would not choose the wrong dataset. I also try to calculate for the test that I want to use in the project for every dataset that I was interested in to ensure the datasets can fulfill the requirements for those analytic tests. I found my datasets from many websites and last my suitable dataset was from Kaggle.com which is about the sales of a small unnamed online business. I was learned to be careful and serious after the process of finding datasets.

       After finding the dataset, I do some analytic studies such as hypothesis testing, correlation, regression, goodness-of-fit test, and ANOVA test with R studio. Before I proceed to R studio, I had read the slides and google to learn how I can do these tests on R studio. For this time, I can understand the slides and the tutorial from the internet easier because this is not the first time that I get in touch with R studio. So, for this time, doing some analytic test became easier for me and it took less time compared to the first time I did my project with R Studio. This project is a good experience for me to know that R Studio is a really convenient software that can help us with the analysis. 

     In short, this project had helped to improve the way I do things. I can deal with bottleneck problems calmly and solve my problem maturely. Not only that, but I had also learned to prepare everything before I starting to do my project to make sure that I would not make any mistake in the halfway of doing my project.