The Covid-19 Awareness Talk /

The Covid-19 Awareness Talk was conducted in the beginning of the outbreak. Covid-19 is a short form of Coronavirus Diseases which was first identified in 2019. Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This talk is a compulsory in order to give awareness to other people and students and also the lecturers about this diseases. The speaker told us about what actually the Covid-19 effects to Malaysia and the whole world and how to handle the outbreaks.

The skill that I learned from this talk is Adaptability skills. We need to adapt with the new norm during this pandemic. In order to face Covid-19, the speaker told us on what are the things we need to practice and what are the things we need to avoid during this pandemic. We need to always sanitize our hands before and after we touch something. This is because Covid-19 is spread by contacts with the virus. Use face mask when we need to go to anywhere outside the house. Other than that, we need to avoid contact with other people. Avoid shake hands with other people as he virus can be easily spread by contacts.

Lastly, I really hope that this Covid-19 pandemic will end soon.

