Reflection on Individual Case Study GSA

      From what I learned in this individual case study is that people need to be very cautious about drunk drivers out there. Further, myself being 2 days in the library doing this research, reading those books that are related to drunk driving made me realized that human's live is very important. And losing someone that we love because of other's fault make us feel revenge to them. However, in Malaysia, our 8th Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin made an statement that they will increase law enforcement. Drunk driver does not affect only them but the people who surround them when they drive. Another things that I learned in this case study are there are many solutions to solve this problem such as paying  higher fines, ask someone to drive while they drunk and police should take an action by doing some roadblocks for the road users. They should take any BAC (blood alcohol concentration) if they suspected any driver is drunk. 

      In conclusion, driving while under the influence of alcohol has become a very dangerous death. In today’s society, the death would be preventable if Malaysian government had more severe laws against this issue.