Reflection /
PSDA project 1 reflection semester 2

At first our lecturer, Dr Suhaila gave us some briefing about project 1 and after that formed a group consists of 4 people. My group consists of me, Wei Xian, Kek An and Nicholas. We came out an idea about the hygiene awareness since when the Covid-19 disease outbreak. Before we started, we met our lecturer a few times to discuss about the project. Next, we created a google form for our survey purpose and our target was 50 respondents who studied in UTM. After that, we organized the data collected by using R studio. We came out a conclusion most of the students in UTM take care of their hygiene and had awareness about Covid-19 disease. 


From this project, i had learn about the important of team-working, leadership and video editing. One of our team member lead us very well in this project, and we gave fully cooperation to complete the task given in time. So, this project could be completed in time because of effectiveness and punctuality. Moreover, i learned how to edit the video because of we had to do the video presentation and combine all the member's presentation in one video.  So, next time i can do it in other project too. 


But, for this survey it has some flawness. This is because most of the respondents were from the KTDI college and only a few were from others colleges. Some data information did not mention clearly and some respondents might blur when fill in the google form. 

At the end, i want to thank to my lecturer, Dr Suhaila for giving us a lot of suggestions and advises in this project. I also want to appreciate that my team members are very well and good while doing this project. That's all from me, Thank you.


This is our presentation project 1 video link: